Math Assistant Chatbot

Project preview

Project Overview: A chatbot that helps you learn math and solve math problems.


  1. Develop a user-friendly chatbot that allows users to learn math and solve math problems.
  2. Fine tuning llm model to improve accuracy of responses. 3. Use ollama to generate responses to user queries.
  3. Downgraded from ollama to languagemodels python package due to memory issues.
  4. Use streamlit to create a user interface for the chatbot.
  5. Use Python to implement the chatbot.
  6. Learn how to use ollama and streamlit to create a chatbot.


  1. Chatbot:
  • Users can chat with the chatbot to learn math and solve math problems.

Technology Stack

  • Frontend: Streamlit UI
  • Backend: python, streamlit, ollama, languagemodels

Things I Learneed building this project

  • Learned how to use ollama to generate responses to user queries.
  • Learned how to use streamlit to create a user interface for the chatbot.
  • Learned how to use Python to implement the chatbot.
  • Learned how to load a model in ollama and languagemodels.
  • Learned how to load data in ollama and languagemodels.
  • LLM models use ALOT of memory and RAM.

Future Development

  • Add analytics to the chatbot to track the number of users and the most popular math problems.
  • Add more data to the chatbot to make it more accurate.
  • Scale vertically with more powerful hardware to allow for more powerful/accurate models.

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